Links to related websites and documentsCDC - Hand Hygiene Guidelines Fact Sheet CDC - Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings (adobe PDF) Association to Defend Victims of Nosocomial Infections,
RID - Reduce Infection Deaths. Great site and a must visit. Lots of statistics and ways to protect yourself. We reference them in this website. This is a national organization. Looks like to us that their main action item is sponsoring Radio Ads to bring their message to the people, and encouraging people to "Call your local hospital and ask them to support RID's campaign for cleaner hospitals and public disclosure of infection rates." Site sponsored by Hospital of St.Raphael Opening words: Welcome to the Hand Hygiene Resource Center. The HHRC’s mission is to advance the quality of patient care and reduce infection by improving hand hygiene practices in healthcare settings. Two million people each year become ill as a result of a hospital-acquired infection. Proper hand hygiene is critical to the prevention of these infections - which contribute to the death of nearly 90,000 hospital patients per year and $4.5 billion in medical expenses. Infection Education Controversies in Managing Nosocomial Infections Consumers Union - Stop Hospital Infections Petition your hospital for information about its hospital-acquired infections! BioMedrix.Inc. - Healing solutions. ProgranX is effective against MRSA in wounds.
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