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Open Letter

Brenna Lee Lawrence
July 14, 1979- April 14, 2004

April 14, 2004 we lost our daughter at the age of 24.  She died in a local hospital after suffering many serious effects from, MRSA, a hospital borne staph infection.  It is our understanding there is not a precedent set for holding a hospital responsible for the safety of the patients in their care. 

  • The hospital was aware our daughter was high risk for infection from immune suppression drugs. 
  • We trusted the hospital would take the necessary and CDC suggested protective steps for her safety. Standard Precautions
  • In our opinion:  The hospital did not use standards generally accepted for handling our immunosuppressed daughter.

Research has shown dangerous statistics in the area of patient safety in this country.  The CDC reports one in twenty hospital patients contract infections from caretakers, that’s two million a year and 103,000 of them die. Hospital acquired infections are the 4th leading cause of death. [CDC source] There is a proven method of reducing hospital infections dramatically.  [CDC source] Hand Hygiene Fact Sheet.

We would like:

  • these infection rate statistics made public.
  • to hold hospitals accountable and responsible for the safety of the patients in their care.
  • to cause hospitals to desire a change.
  • find an attorney interested in assisting us with filing a lawsuit to encourage these changes.
  • our daughter’s death to bring about change for others.

Please call or E-mail us if you would be interested in any way of assisting us in our endeavors.  Or, if you want to post an open letter or tell your story.

J & B Lawrence
email safe email:  jlawrence2 at ( substitute @ for the word 'at')